Symptoms and prevention of meningitis

Symptoms and prevention of meningitis IN HINDI 

Symptoms and prevention of meningitis IN HINDI

Meningitis is an infection that affects the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. These membranes are called meninges. Meningitis causes inflammation of these membranes, which can lead to headache, meningitis, and a stiff neck in people with meningitis. There are many types of meningitis, but the five most common are listed below.

Viral meningitis

Viral meningitis is rare, but the infection often goes away on its own. Once activated, the virus can cause diarrhea along with cold. Infections such as herpes on the skin and viruses such as HIV can also cause viral meningitis.

bacterial meningitis

Bacterial meningitis is a fatal disease. Most meningitis bacteria are spread between people who are in close contact with each other. The bacteria enter the bloodstream and travel to the brain and spinal cord. Anyone can become infected with meningitis bacteria if they affect the meninges. It can also cause ear or bone infections or symptoms of sinusitis.

Fungal Meningitis

Fungal meningitis rarely affects anyone, because the fungus spreads to other parts of the body and spreads to the lining of the brain or spinal cord. It takes two days or more for these bacteria to grow and infect a person. People with chronic meningitis may experience fever, headache, vomiting and fogginess.

However, cryptococcal meningitis is also a form of fungal meningitis, which can be fatal if not treated properly. Cryptococcal meningitis is more common in people living with HIV. It is caused by a fungus called Cryptococcus neoformans.

Infectious Meningitis

Non-infectious meningitis is caused by inflammation of the layers of tissue covering the brain and spinal cord and infection of fluid between the membranes. In some cases, inflammation of the membranes may be caused by non-communicable causes such as chemical reactions or drug allergies.

Parasitic Meningitis

This type of meningitis is no more common than viral or bacterial meningitis. It is caused by dirt, waste, food and parasites found in some animals (spending part or all of their lives with someone else) such as snails, fish and poultry.

Symptoms of meningitis

Symptoms of meningitis may take two days or weeks to appear. Symptoms include sudden high fever, severe headache, stiff neck, seizures, headache with nausea or vomiting, confusion or difficulty concentrating, fatigue, sensitivity to light, skin rash. , Symptoms can vary in newborns such as high fever, constant crying and restlessness, excessive sleepiness, inactivity, fontanel (soft spot, especially the delicate part of the baby's head), neck or body stiffness.

Complications of meningitis

Meningitis can be responsible for a number of health complications. If the disease is not treated in time, the affected person may be at risk of nerve damage and pain. In addition, hearing loss, seizures, kidney failure, permanent brain damage, walking problems, learning difficulties, stroke and death are some of the common problems.

Prevent meningitis

Following certain healthy conditions may help prevent meningitis. Some ways to prevent this disease are as follows.

Take care of your health and hygiene. Washing your hands can help prevent germs that cause disease. Wash your hands thoroughly before using the toilet and after eating. Also, wash your hands after returning from a public place. If you have pets at home, make sure they are clean.

Maintain hygiene: Avoid sharing eating utensils, beverages, food or toothbrushes with anyone else.

Stay healthy: Exercise regularly to keep your immune system up. Eat a healthy diet with a good amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. Cover your face: When you sneeze or cough, don't forget to cover your face. Pregnant women should take extra precautions: During pregnancy, pay special attention to your diet and hygiene and avoid going or staying in crowded places. (Note: In case of any severe and persistent headache consult a doctor immediately)

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