If your body does not get rid of pain and stiffness in cold, it means that your body is deficient in this vitamin. Know how to do home remedies

If your body gets rid of pain and stiffness due to cold

From getting up in the morning to going to bed at night, a person does a variety of tasks, be it a man or a woman, a child or an elderly person. Everyone wants to do everything well and in good health but it is not possible because most of us do not take care of our food and drink because we are used to eating according to our diet. whether it is nutritious or not

But have you ever wondered why fingers make noise? Or when you sit, the sounds come from the bones of the knees. If there is an injury, the blood either flows profusely or does not flow at all. These are all symptoms which are caused due to deficiency of essential vitamins in the body which we are not aware of and do not consult the doctor.

Know from today's food the root cause of all these problems and simple remedies which are available to us in various food items:
Essential Vitamins: *Vitamin K Vitamin K is a vitamin which if not present in the human body, we cannot run. And our heart and brain cannot do any work because it is more powerful and important than Vitamin D. There are actually two types of vitamins, one is Vitamin K1 and the other is Vitamin K2, which makes each bone of our body strong and helps in keeping the blood flowing in the body.

Vitamin K deficiency:
*Weak bones:

Bone disease, called osteoporosis, is one of the most important sources of vitamin D deficiency because it contains enzymes that increase the amount of fluid in the bones which helps in strengthening the bones. does. Apart from this, the sound coming from the crack of the fingers is also due to the weakness of the bones and it is also a major reason for the deficiency of Vitamin K in the body, so if you are also suffering from this problem, then K-Food Make sure to read this article till the end.
Heart weakness

Nowadays heart diseases are increasing in India and there are heart patients in every family. To avoid this dangerous disease, you should use foods that contain vitamins. This vitamin makes the heart strong and also prevents heart attack.


There are many causes of anemia and one of them is the absence or deficiency of Vitamin K, so try to avail it from as many foods as possible because the heart is very delicate.

*Gastrointestinal upset:

Deficiency of this vitamin also causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal inflammation, constipation and flatulence. Vitamin K deficiency is more common in people suffering from indigestion.

*Cancer :

There are many causes of cancer and all of them are serious, but deficiency of Vitamin K is also a cause of diseases like cancer, so make Vitamin K a part of your diet so that you can avoid this disease.

*Cl Blood clot formation:

Some people have blood clots or pain, but the blood does not come out, but it gets clogged inside, which is a major cause of vitamin K deficiency. Foods that contain vitamins:

*Dry Fruits:

Dry fruits contain large amounts of Vitamin K and enzymes which play an important role in strengthening our bones and heart.

*Fish :

Eating fish in this season can protect the body from cold, the abundant amount of Vitamin K in it strengthens your digestive and nervous system.

*Green leafy vegetables:

Green leafy vegetables are very important for the human body. They contain a range of vitamins, especially vitamins that strengthen your heart and brain as well as blood flow.


The use of soybean is considered to be the most important source of Vitamin K as it has mineral properties that prevent blood from clotting and also helps you in healing wounds faster.

*Pickle :

Pickle is present in every house and you would not know before today that pickle is rich in vitamins and people who have weak bones and stomach, they must eat one spoon of pickle with their lunch so that May they remain in good health. stay strong

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