yoga cure diabetes at home

yoga cure diabetes at home

For Simple Yoga Practice Nowadays a rapidly growing disease is called diabetes, which is not only a hereditary disease but also causes life difficulties, complications, constant stress and sometimes factors like high blood pressure. 

It is not possible to get rid of a disease like diabetes immediately and completely, but along with treatment, diabetes can be controlled by avoiding certain things and adopting certain eating habits.

1. Being overweight
usually leads to excess body fat and diseases like being overweight. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and persistent fatigue. Yoga will help you lose weight and prevent many diseases (like diabetes, blood, cholesterol).

2. Stress and Physical Fatigue
Stress, anxiety, tension and constant confusion are also causes of diabetes. Constantly being in a state of stress and tension releases a hormone called glucagon which increases the blood sugar levels and when we do yoga.When we do, our stress levels go down, which in turn reduces the amount of glucagon and makes regular insulin work effectively.

Cure Diabetes with Knowing Easy Yoga

Daily yoga can not only control the sugar levels but can also get rid of the blood.
By doing yoga, many diseases can be completely cured and the severity of many serious diseases can be reduced. If yoga is practiced on a daily basis then all the factors causing diabetes can be avoided.

Sitting on the ground with folded hands
. Keep your back and face straight, place the backs of both your hands on your knees and close your eyes.
, Now take a deep breath and hold the breath for five seconds and exhale slowly.Do this at least ten times.
, Now rub the palms of the hands together and keep the warm palms on the eyes and slowly lose the eyes.

2. Sutu Bandhasana
This pose cures high blood, diabetes and stomach ailments. Also, it is best for women who lack menstruation. Lie flat on the ground
. Straighten your legs so that your soles are on the ground
. Slowly lift your body (abdomen, hips and back) in the air. Your head, neck and soles should be close to the ground.
4. With the help of wrists or the back of your hands, you can easily lift yourself upwards. You can remain in this position for as long as possible.
If anyone has a neck or spinal cord injury, they should not do this.

This is an easy posture (as we do prostration). It helps in increasing mental strength and reducing fatigue. It strengthens the bones of hip and ankle
. Sit in prostration position and keep all your weight on your heels (like women sit) and keep both your soles spread
. Keep your head on the ground and move your hands in line with your head so far that you do not feel any pain. You should feel a stretch in your arms and abdomen so you sit for three minutes and slowly inhale and exhale. Go.

4. Halasna
This thyroid gland, effective pain thyroid glandz pathway and correct level of lung and organ
1. Lie on your back on the ground and bend your legs. Place your heels on your hips, then slowly try to lift your legs above your hips. Keep your weight on your thighs. Take your hands back and grab your heels with your hands and lift them up

. Vajrasana
is a simple and easy
, Keep the weight of your hips on the feet.
, Place your palms on your knees, tilt your head slightly, close your eyes and take a deep breath.

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